Thursday, July 2, 2009

changes of blog


Wednesday, June 17, 2009

holidayyyyy + camp

i think it is time for me to upload my pictures from the holiday.

Villa Daniella Beach Resort

Crystal Mosque at terrenganu if im not wrong...

Nearer picture of Crystal Mosque

Posing with Aina at Crystal Mosque

Hot Summer Cafe'

Papa dolphin;umar, mama dolphin;zayana, baby dolphin;farouq-drinking the milk. thaat is what they call themselves :p relaxing themselves at Crystal Mosque

in front of Crystal Mosque's entrance ...


asam juice

well it is not a lot of picture cuz most pictures are taken by my uncle's camera so cant upload it. sowiee.


ok its now i say bout camp.

Day 1 Wednesday-3rd June

was in schoool by 6.50am. hanged around the canteen and see how big the people bag are and some of them like crystal's bag is damn small. well we talk and talk and talk and soon we had to assemble at the canteen. sadded that i frgt to bring my spectacle so keep borrowing Izzaz's. well soon, after taking attendance all, we set out to Sarimbun Camp. our class was the first to take the bus but the last few to arrive at the camp site.kesian when nak naik bas,amanina's bag putus.soon we were in groups im in group 3, Munich trainer Naz. partenering with Seoul trainer, ella,group 4. i wuz quite sad that this person wasnt in my group.. haha and some of my dearr fwens comforted me alrite. then after we were in groups, my group members were





cheryl mah;


hui qing;

-best girl rock climber up to the top- izaaz;


-fattest person :p-augustin;



ryan chang;


jia heng;

-best boy rock climber up to the to-glen;

xing rong;

-if he see umar he will call umar then call my name-efhan;




well after that, we were in our dorms. after that, we had our lunch. i served the food and sabo some people with the fish :) then we learnt how to build a tent. no time for learning how to build a fire. sadded.

then we went back to our dorm and change to wet clothes for challenge valley. we went through the obstacles and soon arrived at the mud pool or milo pool without sugar.teehee. i was the first few to do.the mud pool syiok giler!!i gt all muddy and my shoes soaked with water,muddy water.den we rinsed. i took my big bottle of water and poured it all over me when we were queing up to rinse.then we went rock climbing supper fun. last few to go up. managed to do until half only wanted to continue but dunnoe which rock to take. fortunate that glen and izaaz reach the top but unfortunate for me :( then we prepared for dinner.then we went to MPH for song session and blindsman trail. we were told to take a t-shirt to blindfold ourselves. it was quite scary and i had to hold augustiin's hand which is all sweaty. popoh. disgusting. and infront of me was chloe. we were walking and kept talking. i felt like falling everytime carefully looking for the steps.after that was the song session and we were split into two groups 1-6 and 7-12. we learnt the 8 ku nyang claps.

1st ku nyang clap; haiya

2nd ku nyang clap; haiya

3rd kunyang clap; hiya act damn sissy

4th ku nyang clap; steady larh bapok!

5th ku nyang clap; jealous?

6th ku nyang clap; pss with ur finger poiting at buttock.eww

7th ku nyang clap; whatever!

8th ku nyang clap; talk to my hand!

har har har.

then camp fire song

campfire burning now

replies: campfire burning now

we do that two/threetimes then.

Burning now

replies: burn burn burn!

we do that two times. then

campfire burning in the dark drak night

replies: ooh yeah yippy yippy yeah

then we had Mr Roger Rabbit.


Mr Roger Rabbit has a fly on his nose

Mr Roger Rabbit has a fly on his nose

as he flip and he flap

and it flew away

fly oh fly

away now

fly oh fly

away now

as he flip and

he flap

and it

flew away


Mr Roger Rabbit has a _____ on his nose

Mr Roger Rabbit has a ____on his nose

as he flip and he flap

and it flew away

fly oh fly

away now

fly oh fly

away now

as he flip and

he flap

and it flew away


Mr Roger Rabbit has a ___ on his paaat

Mr Roger Rabbit has a ___ on his paaat

as he flip and he flap and it flew away

fly oh fly

away now

fly oh fly

away now

as he flip and

he flap

and it flew away

we had follow yamishita game. funny and fun but idiotic.

after all that, we had debrief. then went for supper. supper was bread and hot milo. then went to bathe. well toilet full and time was running out so bathe in the toilet but ___________. private :)

well, in the dorm, i sleep between Fadhilah and Crystal.and giggles were in the whole place . trainers on duty kept as quiet but lots of time i burst out laughing. then a guy trainer talked. omg. i suddenly screamed out "PERVERT" but i dont think the trainers heard me. Fadhilah had to cover my mouth to prevent me from bursting out laughing. well b4 i could sleep, tot of the special person but its funny i didnt think bout my family that much.funny isnt it?


Day 2 Thursday-4th June

woke up at 6 am. a lot of people were like shouting and talking by that time. then bathe.we were suppose to leave the dorm at 7am but loads of people didnt care. and get ready.then went for breakfast.after that we had area cleaning Munich and Seoul = Seoulmun. well we seoulmun had to clear up the hang out and abseiling place. After that we had abseil and zipline. the person explain what to do/how all.i was the fifth person to go on zipline. well the guy there so iritating he keep singing,den he ask nice or not he sing,i didnt noe what to say and said yes. then down i go. so scary at first. wheeeee! so fast and i fet like letting go off my hands from the holder.then the others went. then,we got time and did abseil. lucky i went. was fun but i fall seyyh. my leg not proper.

then we went hang out. and umar's group -5 and 6 was doing the abseil and zipline. and again efhan shouted, umar leena leena umar. uffghh quite irritataing. well at hang out Mr Teddy Bear or Mr Chris Brown explained what to do. then we were in groups. i was with chloe, celine, asther and crystal. we went to cat walk. i was first to do it in my team . we were named by the trainer. me,minnie mouse celine,pink panther asher,melody crystal,hello kitty and chloe uhh i frgt. teehee sorry. well i had to juggle the ball but didnt noe how too. OMG lots of the ball fell down. then each of us had an obstacle. umar was watching me as he was at abseil station. laughs. then my group take rest. then soon umar was doing the abseil. and crystal curse umar to fall down and he did. then we curse each other ehemm's. then we had time so some people did the other station . i did leap of faith and did it quickly. wanted to do broken bridge but no time. too bad. after that umar look at me i look at him but ometime we just turn away. not to be so suspicous.

after that we went to white tentage and had lunch . if im nt wrong it was on thrusday lunch, fadhlin group had to give the food thingy.n fadhlin n akashah were doing it, they were talkin other. that is what syahirah told me and we kept laughing and made heart sign to fadhlin. and she was quite mad. teehee.then team building and outdoor skills.then we had our cheers/camp preparation. all the laughs and kept thinking so this is how it goes,




in the sarimbun camp


with a day pack on my bag


with a spirit in my heart


and my body full of sweat


im a long long way from home


and i miss my mummy so


in the early morning walk


no air con blow

(repeat dunno how many times)

then i frgt.

what do you want.whatdo you want.what do you what do you what do you want


i want i want. i want i want i want

i want i want i wannnnntttt.....

nobody nobody but you. (claps)

nobody nobody but you.(claps)


you can stand under my umbrella ella ella eh.

you can stand under my umbrella eh eh eh eh eh eh

cover face

boom shakalaka

boom shakalaka

boom boom boom shakalaka

end cheer.

then we created Munich's motto. shark by shahid. my poncho as his outer covering. and leaves as his fins all that. haha. but did not succeed.aha.threw poncho away cuz it stinks of the smelly leaves. after dinner was camp fire. we received 3 macho claps from them for our performance. fun. umar sat near me third row to my left and i was at second row. then after performance all of that, we had debrief then cold milo at white tentage yum. i took some hot milo and ate it with biscuits. then bathe then pack bag then sleeeeeppp.we giggled like the night before at least this time Fadhilah did not need to cover my mouth. lolx. loads of girls make noise after the trainer in charge left. no pervets this time. haha.


Day 3 Friday-5th June

woke up 6 + again. bathe all that then carried bag to white tentage.after that area cleaning we had to cleam the boys A-hut. OMG. loads of undies. eww disgusting. some of the girls cleaned the A-hut and saw a packet of [ciggarets], the box and called Naz. Naz went to see and the box wass actually tissue packet. laughs. funny aint it.after cleaning the A-huts i went to my bag at the open field to drink water and guess what. i tripped over the root of the tree. OMG. loads of ppl see me trip man. Farah and Fadhilah helped me up and went to take drinks.after that gather, took MUNICH picture and then bla bla bla. then reach school. F class reach school already and then chats chats. and umar had the courage to ask me that i fell down.haha. how di he know? well then went home. after that, on computer umar sonner online. then i called him. then aina came home with my neighbour helwah. they pranked to umar bout some pizza hut delivery har har.


Okay done.bye. my hand damn tired. tata.





&leena :)

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

mamameeeeyaaaa !!! :O

yo people . what is up this holiday. haha.its like dumb of me to delete my older blog. sadded. so now trying to find a nice and suitable skin. and this holiday is not so mum made me quit Sing Singapore. ssays that i am too busy with debate netball and most of all tution. its bad that i have to study a lot this holiday.
morning around 4 am,16th JUne was back from holiday at malaysia, kelantan and terengganu.stopped by at kuantan and Kuala Lumpur. okay wuz so tired and slept till noon.went with my mum side; my dad,mum,all sis liyana,diyana,aina,zayana, my 2 aunts siti aminah and sabariah(not all my aunt) my 3 uncles Shamsuddin, Abu Bakar,Salahuddin, my 2nd aunt's maid,Sarah,my cuzin umar uthsman arif and farouq ehsani and me of cos.
we went to my aunty house on the 11th June at 10pm+. slept there 4 awhile and set off to Malaysia at 2am. slept in the car. had a few stops here and there. was in the resort on 12th June,4pm. the first nite, we went to this pasar and buy food and eat at resort.aftr that, we wnt to the resorts cafe and bought only drinks. and the total is RM 140 which is equal to around $70. and that is only drinks! so expensive. fun but had a lot of flies yuck!
then on 14th June went to Awana Kijal. reached the hotel around 6 to 7 pm. the next day in the morning went swimming and when i enter the pool i saw mih it was so OMG. like so coincidence. only aina noe umar and most of the time aina talk to me and say that umar is in the pool. when i did laps, he was like looking at me . not all the time cuz it would be so suspicous. and i think the boy that umar was with noe bout me. that same day went home.but went to Kl to shop aroung 9.30 set home but stop at the makam(rest place etc) for a few times.and zayana was down with a fever when we were coming back. so we had to be hold at the check point cuz the police tot my sis had the flu.and 2 day she went 4 check up to make sure that she did not get the flu. such nuisance!
my hands are aching now.